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- #include "main.h"
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: SKYDOME()
- // Desc: konÜtruktor
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- g_pVB = NULL;
- g_pTexture = NULL;
- Rotation = 0.0f;
- Sca = Get3D(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
- Pos = Get3D(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
- NumVer = 0;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: ~SKYDOME()
- // Desc: deÜtruktor
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- //vertex buffer
- if (g_pVB != NULL)
- g_pVB->Release();
- g_pVB = NULL;
- //textura
- if (g_pTexture != NULL)
- g_pTexture->Release();
- g_pTexture = NULL;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CreateSkyDome()
- // Desc: Vygeneruje SkyDome
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SKYDOME::CreateSkyDome(float radius, float dtheta, float dphi, float hTile, float vTile)
- {
- #define PI 3.1415926535897f
- #define DTOR (PI/180.0f)
- #define SQR(x) (x*x)
- //zistenie poΦtu vertexov
- NumVer = (int)((360/dtheta)*(90/dphi)*4);
- //log
- char cBuf[80];
- LogPrint("Vytvaram SkyDome");
- sprintf(cBuf," Pocet Vertexov: %d",NumVer);
- LogPrint(cBuf);
- //vytvorenie VB
- if (FAILED(g_pd3dDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(NumVer*sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEXSKYDOME),
- {
- LogPrint(" Chyba pri vytvarani VB");
- }
- else
- {
- LogPrint(" Vertex Buffer vytvoreny");
- }
- //naplnanie VB
- g_pVB->Lock(0, 0, (void**)&Vertices, 0 ) ;
- // pomocne premenne
- float vx, vy, vz, mag;
- int theta, phi;
- // generovanie skydomu
- int n = 0;
- for (phi=0; phi <= 90 - dphi; phi += (int)dphi)
- {
- for (theta=0; theta <= 360 - dtheta; theta += (int)dtheta)
- {
- // Calculate the vertex at phi, theta
- Vertices[n].x = radius * sinf(phi*DTOR) * cosf(DTOR*theta);
- Vertices[n].y = radius * sinf(phi*DTOR) * sinf(DTOR*theta);
- Vertices[n].z = radius * cosf(phi*DTOR);
- // Create a vector from the origin to this vertex
- vx = Vertices[n].x;
- vy = Vertices[n].y;
- vz = Vertices[n].z;
- // Normalize the vector
- mag = (float)sqrt(SQR(vx)+SQR(vy)+SQR(vz));
- vx /= mag;
- vy /= mag;
- vz /= mag;
- // Calculate the spherical texture coordinates
- Vertices[n].u = hTile * (float)(atan2(vx, vz)/(PI*2)) + 0.5f;
- Vertices[n].v = vTile * (float)(asinf(vy) / PI) + 0.5f;
- n++;
- // Calculate the vertex at phi+dphi, theta
- Vertices[n].x = radius * sinf((phi+dphi)*DTOR) * cosf(theta*DTOR);
- Vertices[n].y = radius * sinf((phi+dphi)*DTOR) * sinf(theta*DTOR);
- Vertices[n].z = radius * cosf((phi+dphi)*DTOR);
- // Calculate the texture coordinates
- vx = Vertices[n].x;
- vy = Vertices[n].y;
- vz = Vertices[n].z;
- mag = (float)sqrt(SQR(vx)+SQR(vy)+SQR(vz));
- vx /= mag;
- vy /= mag;
- vz /= mag;
- Vertices[n].u = hTile * (float)(atan2(vx, vz)/(PI*2)) + 0.5f;
- Vertices[n].v = vTile * (float)(asinf(vy) / PI) + 0.5f;
- n++;
- // Calculate the vertex at phi, theta+dtheta
- Vertices[n].x = radius * sinf(DTOR*phi) * cosf(DTOR*(theta+dtheta));
- Vertices[n].y = radius * sinf(DTOR*phi) * sinf(DTOR*(theta+dtheta));
- Vertices[n].z = radius * cosf(DTOR*phi);
- // Calculate the texture coordinates
- vx = Vertices[n].x;
- vy = Vertices[n].y;
- vz = Vertices[n].z;
- mag = (float)sqrt(SQR(vx)+SQR(vy)+SQR(vz));
- vx /= mag;
- vy /= mag;
- vz /= mag;
- Vertices[n].u = hTile * (float)(atan2(vx, vz)/(PI*2)) + 0.5f;
- Vertices[n].v = vTile * (float)(asinf(vy) / PI) + 0.5f;
- n++;
- if (phi > -90 && phi < 90)
- {
- // Calculate the vertex at phi+dphi, theta+dtheta
- Vertices[n].x = radius * sinf((phi+dphi)*DTOR) * cosf(DTOR*(theta+dtheta));
- Vertices[n].y = radius * sinf((phi+dphi)*DTOR) * sinf(DTOR*(theta+dtheta));
- Vertices[n].z = radius * cosf((phi+dphi)*DTOR);
- // Calculate the texture coordinates
- vx = Vertices[n].x;
- vy = Vertices[n].y;
- vz = Vertices[n].z;
- mag = (float)sqrt(SQR(vx)+SQR(vy)+SQR(vz));
- vx /= mag;
- vy /= mag;
- vz /= mag;
- Vertices[n].u = hTile * (float)(atan2(vx, vz)/(PI*2)) + 0.5f;
- Vertices[n].v = vTile * (float)(asinf(vy) / PI) + 0.5f;
- n++;
- }
- }
- }
- //
- //upravi na DirectX
- //
- float Sur; //pomacna premenna pri prehodeni
- for(int i=0;i<NumVer;i++)
- {
- //prehod suradnicu y a z
- Sur = Vertices[i].y;
- Vertices[i].y = Vertices[i].z;
- Vertices[i].z = Sur;
- //box mapping
- Vertices[i].v = ((Vertices[i].x+(radius/1.0f))/(radius*2.0f))*vTile;
- Vertices[i].u = ((Vertices[i].z+(radius/1.0f))/(radius*2.0f))*hTile;
- }
- //zatvor VB
- g_pVB->Unlock();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: LoadTexture()
- // Desc: Loadne texturu
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SKYDOME::LoadTexture(char *FileName)
- {
- char cBuf[80];
- sprintf(cBuf," Textura: %s",FileName);
- LogPrint(cBuf);
- if (FAILED(D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx(g_pd3dDevice,
- FileName,
- Engine.MipMapLevels, //MipLevels
- 0,
- Engine.TextureFormat,
- D3DX_DEFAULT, //Filter
- D3DX_DEFAULT, //MipFilter
- 0, //ColourKey
- &g_pTexture)))
- {
- sprintf(cBuf," chyba pri vytvarani textury: %s",FileName);
- LogPrint(cBuf);
- }
- else
- {
- LogPrint(" Textura vytvorena");
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: Render()
- // Desc: Vykresli skydome
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SKYDOME::Render()
- {
- //nastav maticu
- D3DXMATRIXA16 Matica;
- Matica = GetMatrix(Pos,Get3D(0.0f,Rotation,0.0f),Sca);
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_WORLD, &Matica);
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTexture( 0, g_pTexture );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetStreamSource( 0, g_pVB, 0, sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEXSKYDOME));
- g_pd3dDevice->DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, NumVer-2);
- //reset nastaveni
- Engine.ResetToDefault();
- }